hotstry3.txt She awoke, almost with a start, for she was alone in the bed. The warm and tingly feeling of the psuedo cock buried in her sex was still with her, and the taste of her own cum on her lips reminded her that this was not a dream, but real, so real, that the minor aftershocks of her last orgasm still twitched her cunt muscles over the huge shaft deep inside her. She streched lithe like, in the cool sheets, feeling the warm glow of her muscles after the massage she had received. Her mind drifted back to that experiance, and once again the wet warmth spread in her groin. But where was HE? Hmmmmmmmmmm... the feeling of the sheets, the warmth where he was, her body totally relaxed (save, of course for the small fire between her leg), her desires sated for now, made her want to savor her awakening, make it continue. Again she streched, feeling the muscles so well delt with feel the goodness of streching, producing a pleasure within herself she had not felt in a long, long time. BUT WHERE WAS HE!?!? With a little regret, she rose, not bothering to cover her large breasts with the sheet, for why hide something she wanted him to see, feel, savor, touch and fondle anyway? He was no where to be seen, the room empty. She got up, letting the sheets slide over her body. "OOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhh........" she said, out loud. She had not expected that the false flesh within her would shift like it did when she stood up, twisting a little, and snaking its way deeper insider her, pouring gasoline on an already buring desire. She was not sure how long she had slept, but it was now dark outside. There were no clocks in the room, and she had forgotten her watch, purposefully, for what was time in the arena they now had. On the desk, a small shaded lamp was lit, and in the opposite corner on a small table, the taper once used to warm oil now burned with a small steady flame. She walked over to the table, and saw the small note sitting next to the candle; "Glad you got up-Hope you feel as delicious as you looked there sleeping. I have run to do some errands which, alas, must be done. Keep warm! Though I know that at least you will inside. By the way, leave it there! I like the thought of it there inside you! I shall return post haste, as time permits. I have drawn a bath for you to soak in and keep warm, but be careful, the water is very hot...I didn't know how long you'd sleep, luv." She laughed, for the note was signed like this; ` () () () * * * ' Something she and he knew, and few others. A large yawn over took her, and she streched standing, arms slowly raising, breasts pulling upward with her motions. A small squeal escaped her lips as the dildo once again shifted deep within her. "I must be careful here..." she thought, and smiled inwardly... wickedly.... Shivering a little, she returned to the bed, noticing a robe placed on the foot of the bed. She smiled. "What HASN'T he thought of" she thought....She sat on the bed, and the delicious sensations of the soft cushions and the cool sheets made her want to rest just a few minutes longer, so she streched out on the bed, careful this time not to jostle her rather large insert. "Just a few more minutes..." she thought. She propped the large fluffy pillows up one on top the other, and settled back to enjoy the few moments of relaxation, but her mind wirled around, remembering the events so recently past. As she thought of her last orgasm, his mouth, and the shower before, and just of the togetherness they shared making the castle, she once again felt the liquid heat spread within her. "GOD!" she thought, "again? So SOON?" She fought the feelings, but then wondered why. After all, this was a time and place for pleasure, was it not? There were no meals to cook, clothes to wash, trips to take. Besides, she rationalized, why fight the feeling? Sinking comfortably, she positioned herself on the bed, back propped up by the pillows, knees raised and spread, opening the lips of her slit. The cool air struck the inflamed flesh there like an electric shock, and she cooed silently at the feeling. Slowly, her hands cupped her breasts, gently squeezing and teasing them back to life, and her nipples rose in response. She anticipated his return, and felt wickedly that he might walk in while she was enjoying herself. That feeling only enhanced her passion, and she pulled one nipple to her mouth and gently sucked on it, dreaming that her man was doing this. She fed the other nipple to her lips, and wetly licked it and the sensitive area around it. Wet fire raged in her recesses, and her lava flowed around the dildo in her cunt, allowing it easily to slip and slide within her as she moved her hips around, feeling the wonder of being filled. She wished her man was there to see this; she was getting very hot, and wished for him to see her this way. While still licking her tit, her other hand moved down to her now steaming sex, coaxed her clit out of the hood it was hiding in, and slowly rubbed it. She was working herself into frenzy now, and could hold back no longer. She reached between her legs with her other hand and grabbed the base of the now soaked rubber cock. She began slow, rythmic in/out motions, fucking herself with this instrument of pleasure, the sensations racking her body as it convusled with each inward thrust, groans of pleasure slipping past her lips as the "cock" was thrust home. She began rubbing her clit harder now, and her back arched, trying to insert the dildo even deeper, DEEPER in her. Her breath was ragged, and coming in short, explosive bursts with each thrust, her cunt screaming each time she withdrew the shaft. The finger on her clit was a blurr now, and her thrusts swift and hard. Her back arched off the bed and she exploded, both inwardly and outwardly, a small scream escaping her lips. She moaned "OH GOD!" and went limp on the bed, her juices flowing freely around the shaft, left imbeded inside her, and around her thighs. After a short while, the evening chill reminded her of the bath HE had drawn for her, and she stiffly padded her way to the bathroom, mindful of her new "member" within. She tested the water, found it had cooled a bit too much, and ran more hot water in the tub. Sinking slowly into the now steaming water, she relaxed, soaking in the warmth. A while later, time really had no meaning here, so she didn't know HOW long, she heard the room door open. There were a few clanks and metal hitting metal, and she was puzzled, but unconcerned.